Monthly Compulsory Saving
Each member has to save and deposit NR 100.00 per month. This is a compulsory saving for a fixed period. This fund cannot be utilized before its maturation period as agreed. However, interested will be provided and accumulated in their saving.
Health Fund saving
Each member has to deposit NRS 40.00 per month as compulsory saving. This will allow member to receive maximum of NRS 5000.00 as an emergency loan for treatment purpose even on top of the other existing loan in a low interest rate (16%).
Centre Fund saving
Each member has to contribute NRS 5.00 per month that will be saved in their concerned centre. This fund can be utilized by the centre as per their collective need
Samata Golden saving
This is a special type of recurring saving for future saftly of the members. Poor people are always in pressure when they have to arrange a bulk amount to fulfil their need. Therefore, individual need (children education, toilets, household assets etc.) will be identified and prioritized discussing with individual member and set a required monthly amount for the thirteen years period.
We provide doubles on their saving on completion of 13 years and they can receive 1.5 of their deposit after completing eight years. If they have to withdraw before agreed period they will receive their deposit with interest
Optional (Voluntay) Saving
This scheme motivates members to save money in their account instead of keeping at home to avoid unnecessary expenses. They can save any amount any time and withdraw any time as per their need.
Secured Future Saving
This scheme motivates members to save money in their account as locked deposit and get refund at the time of leaving group due to any reason.
Easy Saving
This scheme is voluntary in nature. They can get extra loan called “easy loan” who have maintain this saving
Business Promotion Saving
This scheme is voluntary in nature. They can get extra loan called “Business Promotion loan” who have maintain this saving to enhance their business on top the existing loan.
Transaction link Saving
This saving account is maintained to collects installment and saving from the members. Which makes the transaction history transparent and members will receive the interest on daily basis when they deposit their installment in advance.